Bigfoot Sighting in Norway House: Expert Analysis of Cable Ferry Video

Posted Saturday, June 29, 2024

By staff

A thrilling Bigfoot encounter has been captured on camera in a small community in Manitoba, Canada, and it has left the residents both amazed and frightened. The video, which was taken by a ferry operator named Bobby Clark, shows what appears to be a Bigfoot creature walking in the woods. Bobby Clark, a 30-year-old ferry operator, was working on the morning of April 16, 2005, when he saw something strange through his camera lens. He had just come out of the outhouse when he noticed a figure across the river. He ran for his camera and started filming. "I started getting nervous, shaking, and then one stopped and turned to look at me. That's when I froze and turned my camera off," Bobby said. The video, which has been viewed thousands of times on YouTube, shows a large, dark figure moving through the woods. The figure appears to have long arms and is much larger than a human. The residents of Norway House, a sprawling community and Indian reserve, have been swept up in a sensational spotlight since the video was released. Many people have come forward with their own Bigfoot sightings and experiences. "The creature had been up on Bobby Clark's video camera and you guys want to know about Bigfoot, okay, I'll give you a little of my knowledge of what Bigfoot is," said filmmaker Fate Doll, who has had a long-standing interest in the Bigfoot legend. Fate Doll, who is from Winnipeg, has been researching Bigfoot for many years. He has interviewed many people who have had Bigfoot sightings and experiences. "The Sasquatch is sometimes thought of as a spirit which can manifest itself as a physical being, allowing it to leave behind evidence of its appearance. That evidence could be anything from Footprints and broken Twigs to images on a video camera," Fate Doll said. Michelle Burill, a Bigfoot investigator who went to Norway House after the sighting, said she had no reason not to believe that the sighting actually happened. "I definitely believe the story right away. I had no reason not to believe in it. So I went down and I actually as a matter of fact when I went there, Bobby was on his way to Winnipeg, so we kind of missed each other. But I talked to the people out there and I went and looked at the location, and I had no reason not to believe that this actually didn't happen," Michelle Burill said. The video has sparked a lot of debate and speculation among Bigfoot enthusiasts and skeptics alike. Some people believe that the figure in the video is a bear, while others believe it is a Bigfoot creature. Regardless of what the figure in the video is, the residents of Norway House are convinced that there is something mysterious and unknown lurking in the woods. "There's no doubt in my mind that these things are out there," Bobby Clark said. I am excited to see new evidence and footage of these elusive creatures. The video from Norway House is a fascinating addition to the growing body of evidence that suggests that Bigfoot may indeed exist. If you haven't seen the video yet, I highly recommend checking it out. It's a chilling and fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot. Who knows, you may even become a believer yourself.