North Carolina Resident Discovers Unusual Bigfoot Footprints After Floods
Posted Saturday, June 29, 2024
By staff
A Bigfoot researcher in North Carolina has been documenting possible sasquatch activity in his area for several years, and his findings are intriguing. The researcher, who goes by the name Scott, has been hiking along a local river and recording audio in the hopes of capturing evidence of the elusive creature.
In the spring of 2018, Scott heard bipedal walking near the river and soon discovered a series of small footprints. The prints were roughly 8-9 inches long and were found in mud puddles and sandbars along the river. Scott continued to find similar prints in the following years, always around the same time of year and always after a major flood.
In a recent video, Scott shared detailed photos of the footprints, which show distinct features such as a flat foot and a straight line where the toes would be. These characteristics are not typically seen in human footprints, leading Scott to believe that the prints may belong to a sasquatch.
William Jevning, the host of the YouTube channel BIGFOOT!, was impressed by the quality of Scott's footprint photos and plans to post them on his website. Jevning, a two-time witness and field researcher with over 40 years of experience, noted that the prints are similar to those found by other researchers in Northern British Columbia and Arizona.
Scott's findings are particularly interesting because they suggest that sasquatches may be using river corridors as travel routes. This theory is supported by the fact that the footprints are always found after a flood, when the water level would be high enough for a sasquatch to easily navigate the river.
I am excited to see more research being done in this area. Scott's dedication to documenting his findings and sharing them with the community is commendable, and I hope that his work will inspire others to do the same.
If you're interested in learning more about Scott's findings, be sure to check out the BIGFOOT! YouTube channel and watch the full video. And as always, keep an open mind and stay skeptical, but consider the possibility that we may not be alone in the woods.