Malta, Texas: Childhood Bigfoot Encounters and Missing Guns
Posted Saturday, June 29, 2024
By staff
A new and fascinating account of possible Bigfoot encounters has recently surfaced on the YouTube channel Cryptid Wilderness Research. The video, titled "CWR Podcast: Sisters of the Moon!", features an interview with three women who claim to have had strange experiences in East Texas.
The first guest, Debbie Porch, shares her story of growing up in Malta, Texas and experiencing unusual occurrences on her family's property. One of her most memorable encounters involved hearing a growl-moan-roar sound coming from the dirt road near her home. Despite her initial fear, Debbie's father went outside to investigate, but returned shortly after, visibly shaken. It wasn't until years later, when Debbie was an adult, that she learned about Bigfoot and realized that the sound she heard could have been a Sasquatch.
Barbara Lock, another guest on the show, shares her own intrigue with Bigfoot, which began after seeing the famous Patty clip on TV in the late 60s. Although she didn't think much of it at the time, the seed was planted in her mind that there was something out there. It wasn't until many years later, when she started researching Bigfoot online, that she became more interested in the subject.
The third guest, Sandy Harris, shares her experiences of growing up in East Texas and hearing stories about Bigfoot from her family and neighbors. She also talks about her involvement in the Sisters of the Moon, an all-female cryptid research group.
This video is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The stories shared by these women are both captivating and thought-provoking, and it's always exciting to hear new accounts of possible Bigfoot encounters. Be sure to check out the full video on the Cryptid Wilderness Research YouTube channel.