Bigfoot Encounter in West Virginia: A Firsthand Account of Strange Occurrences

Posted Saturday, June 29, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter in West Virginia has been brought to my attention, and I am thrilled to share it with our fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. The testimony comes from an individual who has lived on their property for 45 years, located in the southwestern part of West Virginia. Although they haven't seen the creature themselves, they've heard it numerous times and discovered tracks around their house. The witness's experiences began in 2003 when they were awakened around 3:00 a.m. by a strange sound near their bedroom window. The sound was coming from the cement top of their cellar, which was 11 feet below the floor and 9 feet to the top of the metal roof over their bedroom. The witness could hear what they believed to be the underbelly of an animal scraping on the metal edge of the roof after pulling itself up. After taking a large bipedal step to the other end of the house, the creature walked back over the witness's bed and dropped 20 feet to the pebble patio outside their bedroom window. Understandably shaken, the witness waited for daylight to leave their house and inform their family of the encounter. They began researching online to determine what kind of animal could walk on their roof, and that's when they discovered the possibility of Bigfoot. Over the years, the witness has had several other strange experiences on their property, including the discovery of large, white, circular feces near their fireplace chimney, the sound of peculiar moaning and bellowing cries in the hollow above their property, and the mysterious disappearance of crops. While we cannot confirm that Bigfoot was responsible for these occurrences, the witness's experiences are intriguing and worth sharing with our community. I highly encourage you to watch the full video and share your thoughts with us. Let's continue to support one another in our quest for understanding and appreciating these elusive creatures.