Grover Krantz's Gigantopithecus Theory: A Call for Sasquatch Science
Posted Friday, June 28, 2024
By staff
In a fascinating video from The Paranorm Girl Podcast, host Kristen delves into the scientific classification of Sasquatch in the season 6 finale of her podcast. The video, titled "S6 Ep 138 Season Six Conclusion; Sasquatch Edition," explores the history of attempts to give Sasquatch a scientific name and the challenges faced in doing so.
The video begins with the story of Grover Krantz, a anthropologist who presented a scientific paper in 1985 at the Third International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, proposing to give Sasquatch the scientific name of Gigantopithecus. Krantz argued that the evidence for the existence of Sasquatch is compelling and that it is a current living specimen of the discovered fossil species Gigantopithecus. However, his proposal was rejected due to the lack of physical remains of the creature.
Kristen then goes on to compare the treatment of Sasquatch to that of other animals that have been identified based on their imprints alone. She cites the example of five fossilized footprints discovered in Tanzania in 1976, which were initially dismissed as bear prints but were later found to be those of an upright walking hominid. These prints are now accepted as evidence of an ancient early hominid, despite the lack of any other physical remains.
Kristen also brings up the discovery of a new species of monkey in Tanzania, the kipunji, which was named based on stories and a single photograph. She points out the hypocrisy of the scientific community in requiring physical remains for the classification of Sasquatch, but not for other animals.
The video ends with Kristen expressing her hope that serious scientific investigation will be made into the evidence for Sasquatch, and that it will be given the same recognition as other animals.
As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I found this video to be informative and thought-provoking. It's exciting to see someone in the scientific community taking the evidence for Sasquatch seriously and advocating for its recognition. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to watch this video and share it with others. It's time for the scientific community to take a closer look at the evidence for Sasquatch and give it the recognition it deserves.
It's worth noting that the video doesn't present any new footage or photo of Bigfoot, but it's a great reminder of the history of the scientific classification of Sasquatch and the challenges that still need to be overcome. The video is a must-watch for anyone interested in the scientific aspect of Bigfoot research.
In summary, the video from The Paranorm Girl Podcast is a great reminder of the history of the scientific classification of Sasquatch and the challenges that still need to be overcome. It's exciting to see someone in the scientific community taking the evidence for Sasquatch seriously and advocating for its recognition. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to watch this video and share it with others.