Kentucky Man's Encounter with a Mysterious Figure in Southern Illinois on 'From the Shadows' Podcast

Posted Friday, June 28, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel "From The Shadows" has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, titled "Did He Call A Bigfoot Into His Campsite?", the host, Shane Grove, interviews Frank from Kentucky about his experiences and research on the elusive creature. Frank shares his encounter with a dark figure on a gravel road in Murphy's Boro, Illinois. The figure, which he saw from a distance of 600 or 700 yards, quickly crossed the road and disappeared into a cornfield. Frank couldn't make out any details of the figure, but he found it odd that someone would be wearing long sleeves in the heat of the summer. After discussing the encounter with his pastor, who is also a Bigfoot researcher, Frank learned that there had been sightings and reportings in the surrounding counties, but not in the county where he had his encounter. He speculates that the lack of reportings in that area may be due to the large Amish population, who may be less likely to report such sightings. Frank also shares his pastor's advice on how to call a Bigfoot into a campsite, which involves using a whistle and making a specific sound. However, Frank has not yet tried this method himself. The video leaves it up to the viewer to decide if Frank's encounter was indeed a Bigfoot or not. But for Bigfoot enthusiasts, the possibility is always intriguing. I encourage our readers to check out the video and share their thoughts on Frank's encounter. Who knows, it may inspire some of our readers to try their own hand at Bigfoot calling.