Bigfoot Encounters in Washington: Mysterious Rocks, Tracks, and Fungal Messages
Posted Thursday, June 27, 2024
By staff
A new video posted on YouTube by the channel "A Flash Of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed" has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. In the video, Tobe and Darrell share their experiences with the mysterious gifts left behind by Bigfoot.
Tobe, who lives in Washington, has noticed an increase in his dependency on Darrell's expertise in the area due to his distance from the location. Darrell, who usually visits the area once a month, hasn't been able to stay the night there alone, as the experiences in the area can be intense and emotional.
One of the most intriguing pieces of evidence presented in the video is a footprint cast in hydraulic cement. The cast shows the inside of a foot, with the toe and heel clearly visible. Tobe mentions that the footprint is one of many found in the area, and that they have become quite skilled at identifying Bigfoot tracks.
In addition to the footprint, Darrell also shows off a sample of hair found in the area. He mentions that there is also a fungus present, which is known to be used for upper respiratory infections and can induce a "trip" to meet the land spirits.
One of the most interesting parts of the video is when Tobe shares his experience of asking for help in finding a cure for Covid-19. He spelled out a message on blocks at an alter stump in the woods, and a couple of weeks later, the blocks had been rearranged to spell out "topai," which is phonetically similar to his name. Darrell also found a slimy, black substance on a fossil, which was identified as a fungus known as "black witch's butter."
The video is definitely worth a watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The evidence presented, along with the personal experiences shared by Tobe and Darrell, make for a fascinating look into the world of Bigfoot. The video can be found on the YouTube channel "A Flash Of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed."