Exclusive Video: Sasquatch Family with Clear Facial Features and Claw Footage
Posted Wednesday, June 26, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
Recently, I came across an intriguing video on YouTube that I just had to share with my fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, posted by the YouTube channel Appalachian Cryptid Encounters, features what appears to be a small family of Sasquatch in Putnam County, West Virginia.
In the footage, you can see several Sasquatch, including what looks like an adult and a baby. The adult has a distinct eye shape and eyelashes, as well as a noticeable pinky finger with a claw. The baby is also seen with its parent, who seems to be using its claw to block the reflection of light in the baby's eye while still allowing it to see.
What's particularly interesting about this video is that the Sasquatch appear to be practicing their skin staining technique on the baby. This is a behavior that has been reported by other witnesses and researchers, and it's fascinating to see it captured on camera.
Another Sasquatch can be seen in the background, watching the person filming. It appears to be looking directly at the camera, and there may even be another one hiding in the trees.
The video also highlights the incredible camouflage skills of the Sasquatch. They blend in seamlessly with their surroundings, making it difficult to spot them even when you're looking for them.
Overall, this video is a fascinating glimpse into the world of Sasquatch. It's always exciting to see new footage and evidence of their existence, and this video certainly delivers. I highly recommend checking it out for yourself and forming your own opinion. Who knows, it may even convince some skeptics out there!