Researcher's Intimate Encounters with Michigan and South Carolina Sasquatch
Posted Saturday, June 22, 2024
By staff
A recent video on Cryptid Wilderness Research's YouTube channel features an interview with Robin Haynes, a researcher, and paranormal investigator from Paranormal DM In the video, Haynes shares some of her most meaningful interactions with Sasquatch.
Haynes describes a female Sasquatch bringing a baby to her backyard for her to see. She also shares an experience where a Sasquatch placed its hand on her arm, allowing her to feel its long hair. Haynes explains that the Sasquatch's emotions are much stronger than humans, and they can project a deep and pure love that can make people cry.
In the video, Haynes talks about her experiences in Michigan and South Carolina. She had more activity in Michigan and describes the group there as one of the biggest blessings in her life. Haynes shares that she would walk a certain path every day and talk to the Sasquatch, creating a routine that worked for both her and the group.
Haynes also discusses her thoughts on Sasquatch's physical appearance, stating that she believes they have a higher frequency and energy than humans. She explains that they can project their emotions onto humans, creating a "love bubble" that is the most incredible love one could ever feel.
I encourage readers to watch the video and hear Haynes' experiences in her own words. It's always fascinating to hear firsthand accounts from people who have had meaningful interactions with Sasquatch.
I am always excited to hear new stories and experiences from people who have encountered Sasquatch. The