Bigfoot Encounter: Personal Stories from Huntsville and Haliburton
Posted Saturday, June 22, 2024
By staff
A fascinating account of a close encounter with a Sasquatch has been shared on the YouTube channel Cryptids Canada. The video, titled "BIGFOOT WANTED US GONE. AND THEN GAVE US GIFTS" (Episode 709), features a firsthand experience of a witness who encountered a Bigfoot while building a cabin with their family in the small town of halberry, Ontario.
The witness, who was 14 years old at the time, had been living in Huntsville with their foster parents after being put in foster care at the age of 9. They had always dreamed of living in the country and building their own home, away from the city. When they were 24, they took a trip to halberry, Ontario with their spouse, Billy Jean, and her two teenage boys, Sammy and Willie. They fell in love with the area and decided to buy some land to build a cabin.
The family had nearly finished preparing their logs for building when they had a close encounter with a Sasquatch. One evening, while the boys and the witness were in town waiting for a delivery of supplies, Billy Jean heard a branch break outside their tent. She initially thought it was a bear, but soon realized it was a Bigfoot when she saw its hairy back and rear end through the window.
The family was understandably frightened, but they tried to stay calm. They eventually made it through the night, and the next spring, they had another encounter with the Sasquatch. This time, they heard people speaking in the woods behind their tent, but they couldn't understand the language. Billy Jean also noticed a strong, unpleasant smell, which she recognized as the same smell from their previous encounter.
The family was terrified, but they tried to stay calm and make a plan. Eventually, they were able to make a run for their cabin, where they felt safer. The next day, the witness's mother reached out to her Creep contacts for advice on how to handle the situation. They recommended leaving an offering of wild game for the Sasquatch as a peace offering. The witness did just that, and to their surprise, the Sasquatch left them alone after that.
This account is a fascinating glimpse into the world of Sasquatch and their behavior. It's clear that the witness and their family were genuinely frightened during their encounters, but they also showed a great deal of respect for the Sasquatch and its territory. This is an important reminder that Sasquatches are not animals to be hunted or exploited, but rather, they are beings who deserve our respect and understanding.
If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the full video on Cryptids Canada's YouTube channel. And as always, remember to approach all encounters with Sasquatches with respect and caution.