New Bigfoot Encounters: Hissing Creature and Mysterious Footprints
Posted Saturday, June 22, 2024
By staff
A thrilling firsthand account of a possible Bigfoot encounter in Washington has been making waves in the Bigfoot community. The testimony comes from a woman who, along with her cousin, had a close encounter with a mysterious creature during a fishing trip in the late 80s. The YouTube channel Bigfoot Encounters Narrated shared the captivating story, and we're excited to delve into the details with you.
The witness and her cousin were dropped off by their parents near the South Fork of the Nooksack River for a weekend of fishing. They set up camp close to the river and settled in for the night. At around 3:00 am, the witness was awakened by a series of long, hissing sounds coming from a silhouetted figure just 20 feet away. The creature, which appeared to be crouching down and had broad shoulders, a sloping forehead, and no visible ears, emitted the eerie sounds about five to six times before disappearing.
Although the witness's cousin didn't hear or see anything, they were both on high alert for the rest of their trip. They even tied fishing lines to each other's wrists to ensure they'd be woken up if anything unexpected happened. The following night, they heard a series of clicks and rocks being hit together rapidly, which sounded like it was coming from across the river.
The witness's description of the creature matches many other Bigfoot sightings, and her credibility is further supported by her extensive background in hunting and zoology. Her story is a fascinating addition to the body of evidence surrounding the elusive Sasquatch.
If you're as intrigued by this testimony as we are, be sure to check out the full video on Bigfoot Encounters Narrated's YouTube channel. And, as always, if you have a Bigfoot encounter you'd like to share or have narrated, feel free to reach out to Bigfoot Encounters Narrated at their email address.
Happy squatching!