Tall, Hairy Creature Crosses Road in Pocono Mountains: BFRO Investigates

Posted Friday, June 21, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Bigfoot sightings have long been a topic of fascination for many, and the video from the YouTube channel Odd & Untold titled "Bigfoot Sightings in Pennsylvania: Part 2 - The Poconos and Beyond" provides us with some intriguing accounts from northeastern Pennsylvania. The video discusses three counties - Columbia, Wayne, and Monroe - and shares a total of five reports of Bigfoot sightings in these areas. The first story comes from Monroe County and is the only sighting in the BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) database for this county. The witness, a woman, recounts her experience of seeing a tall, hairy figure in the Pocono Mountains in the late 1970s. She and her husband were driving in a heavily wooded area when a creature crossed the road in front of their car. The witness describes the creature as being at least 7 feet tall, with long arms, a hairy body, and an ape-like appearance. The couple saw another car at the intersection, and both vehicles stopped, indicating that the occupants of the other car may have also seen the creature. BFRO investigator Paul Conroy interviewed the witness, and she was able to provide more details about the encounter. She mentioned that the creature was within arms length of their car and that its face was described as somewhere between ape and human, with reddish-brown hair. The witness also mentioned that the car across from them took off at a high rate of speed, indicating that the occupants had also witnessed the creature. The investigator's follow-up report notes that the area where the sighting occurred has significant stretches of state game land, making it feasible that the area has a size and food source to support Sasquatch activity. The report also mentions that the witness tried to contact the local newspaper to find the old article about the sighting but was unsuccessful. Overall, this account is a fascinating one, and the witness's detailed description of the creature adds to its credibility. While some may argue that the sighting could have been a bear, the witness's description of the creature's face and its bipedal movement suggest otherwise. I find this account to be compelling and worth considering. If you're interested in learning more about this sighting and others, be sure to check out the video from Odd & Untold. It's always exciting to hear about new Bigfoot sightings and to explore the possibility of their existence.