Sasquatch Expedition: Experts Embark on Daring Search in British Columbia Wilderness
Posted Thursday, June 20, 2024
By staff
A new video has recently caught my attention and I just had to share it with all of you fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts out there. The video, which was posted on the YouTube channel of Dr. Jerrold Coe, delves into the history and ongoing search for the legendary Sasquatch.
The video begins by discussing the reports of giant man-like creatures that have been roaming the Pacific Northwest and Canada for over 200 years. These creatures, known as Sasquatch by the Indians and Bigfoot by the press, have been encountered by hundreds of people throughout the years.
One of the most significant pieces of evidence for the existence of Bigfoot is the famous Roger Patterson film taken in 1967. The video shows Patterson searching for Sasquatch for years before finally encountering the creature near Bluff Creek in Northern California and capturing it on film. Scientists and photography experts have examined the individual frames of this film and have concluded that it and the creature are authentic.
The video goes on to discuss the extensive research effort that was undertaken by the North American Wildlife Research Center after the release of the Patterson film. Investigators fed data into computers and, after months of computerized research on behavioral patterns, migratory movement, and eyewitness descriptions, the computer began answering many of the questions surrounding these mysterious creatures.
One of the most intriguing aspects of the video is the discussion of an expedition to search for Sasquatch in a remote, unexplored area of Northern British Columbia. The team, which includes experienced woodsmen, a renowned anthropologist, and a graduate from the University of British Columbia, is equipped with the latest and most sophisticated equipment, including tranquilizer guns, electronic gear, and sniper scopes. If they are able to capture a Sasquatch, they plan to implant a small transmitter and release the creature so that it can be traced and studied scientifically.
I found this video to be incredibly fascinating and informative. It provides a comprehensive overview of the history and ongoing search for Sasquatch, as well as the latest research and evidence supporting its existence. I highly recommend checking it out for yourself and forming your own opinion on this legendary creature.