Cryptid Encounters: Skin Walker, Sea Creature, and Mysterious Bigfoot Sightings
Posted Wednesday, June 19, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel Tattooed Biker Unexplained, four terrifying cryptid encounters are shared, leaving viewers questioning the reality of these mysterious creatures. The first account comes from a individual who grew up visiting their Navajo family's ranch in the middle of the reservation.
During one of their visits, they experienced strange occurrences that left them feeling uneasy. Upon their arrival, they discovered coyote tracks encircling their campsite, which was unusual due to the distance from any nearby civilization. Later that night, while driving up a rocky road, they witnessed a strange, orange-reddish light behind them. The light appeared to be a muzzle flash from a gun, and as they continued to watch, more flashes occurred in the distance, growing closer each time.
Once they reached their destination, they noticed the door to their Hogan shaking violently, as if someone had kicked it as hard as they could. The individual grabbed a shotgun and instructed their cousin to get his rifle, ready to face whatever was outside. After searching the area, they found no signs of footprints or animals, but they did hear a rhythmic thumping sound through the rock walls. The following morning, they discovered that their Navajo grandmother had experienced a similar incident the same night.
The second account takes place on Cocoa Beach, Florida, where a school trip from Kentucky stopped for the night. A 14-year-old girl ventured further into the ocean than her classmates and found herself struggling to stay afloat. She recalls feeling an arm around her body, pulling her to shore, but when she turned around to thank her savior, no one was there.
The third account comes from the older brother of a Squatchable editor, who, during his senior year in high school, had a strange encounter in a small Utah town. While driving home one night, he saw a creature standing near the road. Although he couldn't make out many details, he described it as having long, dark hair and standing at least seven feet tall.
These stories leave viewers questioning the reality of these mysterious creatures and whether or not they could be connected to Bigfoot or other cryptids. If you're interested in learning more about these encounters, be sure to check out the Tattooed Biker Unexplained YouTube channel and share your thoughts with the community. Remember, it takes courage to share personal experiences with the unknown, so let's keep the conversation respectful and open-minded.