The British Isles have long been home to tales of mysterious, hairy creatures known as the woodw, or wild man of the woods. These beings have been reported and witnessed for centuries, and their presence is still being felt today. A new documentary from the YouTube channel I Talk Cryptids explores the history and culture surrounding these creatures in Britain, as well as the ongoing sightings and encounters.
The video begins by discussing the various names and descriptions of the woodw throughout history, from the Anglo Saxon term "woodw" to the Middle English "wild man of the woods." These creatures have been depicted in carvings and manuscripts, and stories of similar beings can be found throughout the folklore of Europe and Britain.
One particularly intriguing location for woodw sightings is the 6.8 M long forest known as Cannock Chase. Located in the Northern Western part of the English Midlands, Cannock Chase is known for its mystifying scenery and eerie atmosphere at night. Reports of black-eyed children, pig men, and werewolves are common, but the most frequent visitor to the chase seems to be the woodw. People of all walks of life have claimed to witness the infamous Cannock Chase woodw, from hearing wood knocks in the deepest parts of the forest to having firsthand experiences with the beast itself.
One particularly fascinating account from the documentary is that of the 13th century chronicler Ralph of Coggeshall, who wrote about the Orford fishermen who caught a creature completely covered in hair and took it to the castle. The creature, known as a wild man, was kept as a pet and was reported to eat raw fish and meat, sleep on the couch, and be completely deaf and dumb despite torture and Christian mass. The wild man eventually escaped and returned to the sea, only to return and stay for two months before disappearing for good.
The video also discusses the possibility of the woodw being misidentified individuals with a rare skin disease known as hypos, as well as the scientific phenomenon of a brocken spectre, which can create the illusion of a large, shadowy figure in midair. However, the ongoing sightings and encounters suggest that there may be something more mysterious and elusive lurking in the forests and wilderness of Britain.
I am always excited to learn about new sightings and encounters from around the world. This documentary from I Talk Cryptids is a fascinating exploration of the history and culture surrounding the woodw in Britain, and it's definitely worth a watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast.