Michigan Hunter Discovers 20-Inch Bigfoot Footprint with Gouges in Lowa
Posted Sunday, June 16, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel "usgems" has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "Bigfoot Print Found While Mushroom Hunting in Michigan," features a man named Big Tim who claims to have stumbled upon a massive Sasquatch footprint while out mushroom hunting.
Throughout the video, Big Tim expresses his disbelief and excitement as he compares the size of the print to his own foot, which he states is a size 14. He also points out the distinct shape and gouge marks in the print, further solidifying his belief that it belongs to a Sasquatch.
I am always on the lookout for new and interesting Bigfoot sightings and evidence. This video definitely caught my attention and I couldn't help but be excited by the possibility of a real Sasquatch print being discovered.
Big Tim goes on to explain that he wasn't even looking for Bigfoot, but rather was out searching for mushrooms when he came across the print. He also mentions that the woods were particularly active with animals, which he believes may have been disturbed by the presence of the Sasquatch.
One of the things that I found particularly interesting about this video is that Big Tim takes the time to point out the different structures and breaks in the trees around the print. He suggests that these may be signs of the Sasquatch's movement and activity in the area.
I am always intrigued by the potential evidence that is brought to light. This video, while not definitive proof of the existence of Sasquatch, certainly adds to the intrigue and mystery surrounding this elusive creature.
I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out this video for themselves and form their own opinions. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next person to stumble upon evidence of Sasquatch while out on a simple mushroom hunting trip.
Excitement Level: 7/10