Bigfoot Encounters in Eureka and Edwards Air Force Base: Sightings and Secrets

Posted Friday, June 14, 2024

By staff

A new video posted on YouTube by the channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. Titled "BIGFOOT! | California encounters | Episode 105," the video features three stories of Bigfoot sightings in California. I'm excited to share these stories with our readers and encourage them to watch the video for themselves. The first story takes us back to Eureka, California in 1896. A transcribed letter found in an old dictionary tells the tale of two friends who had a close encounter with a Bigfoot while cutting timber. The creature was described as a large man covered in dark brown hair, walking on two legs and with arms like a man's but of a much bigger size and greater length. The witnesses were in awe of the creature's size and strength, estimating it to be over 7 feet tall. The second story, titled "Sasquatch and the Edwards Air Force Base surveillance," is written by Doug tra and tells of Cory Rudolph and his own encounter with a Bigfoot while camping in Palmdale in 1977. The two men were investigating reports of Bigfoot sightings in the area when they had their own encounter with the creature. They described it as a very tall hair-covered ap-like man, wandering around and looking at the desert floor in search of something. The sighting was reported to the command post and the men were told to continue observing and reporting but not to intervene or disturb the animal. The third and final story, titled "Mysterious Shaver Lake," is about a mysterious creature sighted near Shaver Lake. The witnesses described the creature as a large, hair-covered man-like animal, with glowing eyes. These stories are a great reminder of the mystery and intrigue that surrounds Bigfoot sightings. I encourage all of our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have our own encounter with this elusive creature.