Monsters Lounge Investigates Mysterious Noise and Interviews Bigfoot Researcher Joe Dehoyos

Posted Wednesday, June 12, 2024

By staff

In a recent episode of the Monsters Lounge Podcast, hosts Jenny and Tresa shared a strange and unexplained noise they heard during their interview with guest Joe De Hoyas, a Bigfoot researcher from Texas. The noise, which sounded like a whisper and was described as "alien" by some, occurred mid-interview and left the hosts and their guest puzzled. Joe De Hoyas is the founder of Woodline Paranormal and the executive director of the Jing Research Group, dedicated to finding out more about the elusive Bigfoot species. He has had his own experiences with the paranormal and UFOs, which sparked his interest in the strange and mysterious at a young age. During the interview, Joe discussed his recent investigation in Oldtown Spring, Texas, a place with a dark and violent history. The town, which used to be Native American land, was taken over by settlers who eventually slaughtered the surviving natives. The natives cursed the land before they left, and the town has been plagued by fires and other strange occurrences ever since. Joe and his team spent several hours investigating the town, visiting hot spots such as an old ice house that doubled as a morgue. They used digital recorders, an RP, and EMF detectors to document their findings. The RP went off several times, particularly in the ice house, indicating the presence of something paranormal. The strange noise heard during the interview with Joe De Hoyas remains unexplained. Some believe it could be extraterrestrial beings or ultraterrestrials looking for individuals with high psychic abilities. Others think it could be a solar flare or simply a coincidence. If you're interested in hearing the strange noise for yourself and forming your own opinion, be sure to check out the Monsters Lounge Podcast episode featuring Joe De Hoyas. Who knows, you might just hear something unusual yourself.