Vietnam vet on way to close shop had to drive back home after Yucca Man (Bigfoot) sighting

Posted Saturday, January 11, 2020

By staff

Was going back to close shop at approx. 10PM in the northern desert above Palm Springs, CA., and saw a huge light tan colored biped with soft blowing hair .Because I was in a small VW bug with the light pointing down into the street upon leaving the driveway facing out into the desert. I froze there with my dim headlight on it and it too froze there completely still,. I flashed my worthless high beams at it and it took 2 giant steps backwards and then one to my left, it's right and was gone into the dark. I was overcome with severe fear, panic and anxiety, and had to return home again. I was armed with a .45 at the time and was still worried that if I shot it I would be in real trouble. Enormous, with the chest the size of a refrigerator. arms that hung below the knees and were still huge. I did not speak with anyone about it right away because who ever heard of a desert Bigfoot, But later found out that all the locals call him, "Yucca Man". via (Link: