Kenny Busby's Bigfoot Gifting Spots and Rules for Interaction

Posted Saturday, June 08, 2024

By staff

If you're a fan of firsthand Bigfoot experiences and stories from the field, then you're in for a treat. A video from the YouTube channel "My Bigfoot Sighting" features Kenny Busby, a man who has had numerous encounters with these elusive creatures in the Ozarks of Arkansas. In this particular video, Kenny shares more about his Bigfoot family and the unique bond he has formed with them. Kenny starts off by expressing his gratitude for the positive comments and support he received after his last video. He admits to being one of the most ridiculed individuals for sharing his experiences but is touched by the kind words from the Bigfoot community. He then clarifies a comment about a small ceramic dog he carries with him, which he calls his "what knot," to emphasize that it's not a real puppy. One interesting story Kenny shares is about taking his friend to a gifting spot, where they leave offerings for the Bigfoot family. Despite his friend's enthusiasm, the family made it clear that they were not welcome, and Kenny had to trust his instincts and leave the area. This tale highlights the importance of trust and respect when interacting with these mysterious beings. Kenny also discusses his views on using trail cameras, which he doesn't support due to the lack of trust and respect it implies. Instead, he prefers to build a relationship with the Bigfoot family through communication and shared experiences. Towards the end of the video, Kenny talks about his decision not to carry firearms while in the field. He respects those who do, but he personally chooses not to, emphasizing the importance of having the right intentions when interacting with Bigfoot. If you're intrigued by Kenny's experiences and want to learn more about his unique bond with the Bigfoot family, be sure to check out the video on the "My Bigfoot Sighting" YouTube channel. His stories offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot and the importance of building relationships based on trust and respect.