Bennington Monster: Decades of Bigfoot Sightings and Mysterious Deaths

Posted Thursday, June 06, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're going to love this video I came across on YouTube, all about the Bennington Triangle in Vermont. This area is known for its high strangeness, with reports of strange disappearances, cryptids, UFO sightings, and more. The phrase "Bennington Triangle" was coined by New England author Joseph Crito in 1992, who noticed the similarities between this area and the Bridgewater Triangle in Massachusetts and the Bermuda Triangle. Vermont is a unique state, with 78% of it being forest and over 4.5 million acres of forest. It also has 808 lakes and ponds and more than 7,000 miles of rivers and streams. All of this makes for a lot of places for cryptids to hide, including the Bennington monster. The Bennington monster, also known as the Bennington Triangle creature, is a Bigfoot-type entity that has been terrorizing people in the southwestern areas of Vermont since the 1800s. Descriptions of this creature vary, but it is often depicted as being between six to nine feet tall with a muscular build, shaggy hair, and glowing red eyes. Some suggest that the creature might be a type of Bigfoot or Sasquatch, while others propose it could be an entirely unknown species not connected to those creatures. One of the more famous incidents involving the Bennington monster took place in 1967 when a local resident named Ray Dufresne claimed to have seen a very large hairy creature lurking in the woods near Glastonbury Mountain. Ray described the creature as being over seven feet tall with a strong musky odor and glowing red eyes. There have also been reports of strange disappearances in the Bennington Triangle. Between the years 1945 and 1950, there were six strange disappearances in this small area. The population of Vermont back in 1950 was only a little bit under 360,000 people, which makes these disappearances even more significant. One of the disappearances involved a man named Carl Hendricks. In November of 1943, Carl was hunting with his cousin Henry just over midnight, 20 miles northeast of the Glastonbury Mountain. The pair got separated, and Henry contacted authorities to look for Carl. After a few days, searchers did find Carl, but not alive. The autopsy determined that the cause of death was squeezing, with the ribs having punctured his lungs. The townsfolk did not show any particular concern about the situation, but it does raise some red flags. Could the Bennington monster have been involved in Carl's death? If you're interested in learning more about the Bennington Triangle and the Bennington monster, I highly recommend checking out this video on YouTube. It's a fascinating deep dive into this area of high strangeness.