Canadian Shopkeeper's Transformation: From Civilization to Wildman

Posted Friday, May 31, 2024

By staff

A fascinating video recently caught my eye on YouTube, and I knew I had to share it with the Squatchable community. The video, posted by the YouTube channel Hammerson Peters, delves into an intriguing story from 1871 involving a German-born shopkeeper named Martin who joined a Canadian Pacific Railway survey party in British Columbia. According to the video, Martin experienced a nervous breakdown while on the Thompson River and disappeared into the woods. He was later spotted by a shepherd near Stump Lake, between Kamloops and Nicola, in a shocking state. Martin had grown thick hair all over his body, resembling a gorilla, and appeared to be deaf and mute. The video suggests that Martin may have encountered a land and water mystery, a dangerous power or entity believed by the Interior Salish to dwell in certain remote locations, causing preternatural phenomena and sometimes transforming humans into wild creatures. The video also highlights native legends about the alpine wildmen, or Sasquatch, believed to be humans who became wild after spending too much time in the mountains. This idea is supported by Thompson elder Annie York, who claimed that some individuals who practiced to be medicine men when they were young and were left alone in the mountains for extended periods never returned, eventually turning into Sasquatch. The video leaves us with many questions about Martin's fate and the possibility of land and water mysteries. Could Martin have encountered a Sasquatch or been transformed by a land and water mystery? The video encourages viewers to watch and form their own opinions. I am always intrigued by stories and legends surrounding Bigfoot, and this video certainly provides food for thought. I highly recommend watching it and exploring the rich history of native legends and Sasquatch sightings in British Columbia. Remember, Squatchable is a platform for open-minded discussion and exploration of all things Bigfoot. We welcome your thoughts and theories on this captivating story. Happy squatching!