Craig Revisits Bigfoot Evidence with Fresh Eyes: Share Your Encounters

Posted Friday, May 31, 2024

By staff

A well-known researcher in the Bigfoot community has recently come across some old evidence and is re-examining it with a fresh perspective. Craig Roach, the YouTuber behind the channel "Squatcher 1222," has been sharing his findings and experiences on his channel for some time now. In his latest video, he discusses some old evidence that he had previously dismissed, but is now taking a second look at with the help of others. Roach mentions that he has reached out to others in the community for their input and expertise. He emphasizes the importance of working together as a team and simplifying the process of researching and gathering evidence. Roach also touches on the frustration that many researchers face when it comes to preserving and testing samples, as well as the ongoing DNA study being conducted by NC State. One of the most interesting parts of the video is when Roach shares an encounter story that was shared with him by a viewer. The viewer, who had worked for Roach for several years, had kept his sighting a secret until recently. Roach describes the viewer as a hard worker and intelligent, which makes his sighting all the more compelling. The