Possible Bigfoot Encounter: Mysterious Creature Caught on Camera in Forest

Posted Thursday, May 30, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A recent video posted on YouTube has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community, and it's easy to see why. The video, uploaded by the YouTube channel Cryptid University, shows a man who believes he has captured footage of a Sasquatch while out in the woods. The video begins with the man hearing what he thinks is a deer in the distance. He turns his camera to try and capture it on film, but initially, he doesn't see anything. However, as he continues to look through the viewfinder, he sees something that causes him to panic. "What the hell is that?" he exclaims, as he sees a large, dark figure moving through the trees. "I just filmed something! I swear I saw something!" The man is visibly shaken, and it's clear that he believes he has just had a close encounter with a Sasquatch. He goes on to describe the creature as being "big" and "black," and says that it was moving quickly through the forest. As he continues to look for the creature, he becomes more and more convinced that he has just seen a Sasquatch. "I'm positive I saw something," he says. "I didn't see it with my eyes in the forest, I saw it on the screen here. Have a look at the camera, it stood up at the forest." The video has already generated a lot of discussion in the Bigfoot community, with many people praising the man for his bravery in going out into the woods alone to search for Sasquatch. Others have pointed out that the video provides some compelling evidence for the existence of these elusive creatures. As Bigfoot believers, we are always excited to see new footage and evidence that supports the existence of these mysterious creatures. While we cannot say for certain whether or not this video shows a real Sasquatch, it certainly provides an intriguing glimpse into the world of these elusive creatures. If you haven't already seen the video, we highly recommend checking it out for yourself. Who knows, you might just be the next person to capture footage of a Sasquatch! Sources: * [Cryptid University YouTube Channel](www.youtube.com/channel/UCcUxJGjY4VzrYbZ6hL2QrPw) * [Man Cries In Fear While Video Taping A Real Sasquatch Sighting!!](www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9U_D3q3PZI)