Woman's Chilling Encounter with a Sasquatch Near Fort Hall Canal in Idaho

Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A woman from the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, located between Pocatello and Blackfoot, recently shared her nighttime encounter with a Sasquatch near a canal on the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch YouTube channel. The woman, who prefers to remain anonymous, had a close encounter with a Bigfoot around 1 or 2 a.m. while walking home from Blackfoot after a fairground event. She decided to walk along the railroad tracks that run along Highway 91, but grew tired and stopped to rest near a small canal that passes under the tracks and Highway. As she sat on the concrete retaining wall, she noticed an odd shape in the water. At first, she thought it was a large piece of trash, but as she watched, she realized it was moving against the current in the opposite direction. The woman described feeling a creepy sensation and immediately walked away. She continued on, but soon had to stop again due to a leg cramp. As she sat, she heard a man and a woman talking, and then a man arguing, but when the argumenting man passed in front of her, she noticed he was by himself. She then heard footsteps and saw something huge walking in the weeds. The woman described the creature as being tall, with long arms and covered in hair. She couldn't estimate the width, but its height had to be pretty tall as it was higher than the highway and the area behind it slopes down pretty far. She described its color as black, but it could have been dark brown or brown. The light from the radio station was not very bright, but she could see hair on its arms and legs. The woman also shared that she had another encounter with a Sasquatch near a canal by her parents' house a couple of years later. This time, she heard rustling in the weeds and when she turned around, she heard a low guttural sound. She quickly walked away and climbed over a high fence. The location of the encounter is significant as it is near a small canal that is fed by the North Corral and the Blackfoot River. This area is full of farm fields and the Bigfoot may be after the animals that like to feed on what's growing in the farm fields or it may be after the grains, vegetables, and corn that grows in the area. It's fascinating to hear about encounters like this and how Sasquatches may be using waterways as a travel route at night. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch YouTube channel and watch the video for yourself.