Bigfoot Encounter in Woods: Witness Shoots, Finds Giant Footprint
Posted Tuesday, May 28, 2024
By staff
A personal encounter with Bigfoot is something that stays with you for a lifetime, and one man's story of his experience is now making waves on YouTube. The video, posted by the channel Mikey's Hauntings, tells the story of a day when Mikey and his friend Keith had a close encounter with a Sasquatch while out in the woods.
Mikey and Keith were walking through the woods, which were located near a creek and in the middle of a cornfield. They were familiar with the area, as Mikey had lived there for many years and often explored the woods. As they were making their way to the creek, they began to notice a foul smell. They looked around for the source of the smell, but couldn't find anything.
As they got closer to the creek, the smell grew stronger. That's when Mikey noticed something unusual – a large hole dug out in the creek bed, covered with brush. It looked like a shelter or hideout of some sort. Suddenly, something caught Mikey's eye to his right. He saw something black and white crawling on the ground. At first, he thought it was a skunk, but as the creature stood up, he realized it was something much bigger.
The Sasquatch stood up to its full height, which Mikey estimated to be eight or nine feet tall. It stared at Mikey and Keith for several seconds before taking off up a hill. Mikey, being young and dumb, grabbed his shotgun and fired three shots at the creature. The Sasquatch let out a loud roar before disappearing from sight.
Mikey and Keith were left standing in shock, unable to believe what they had just witnessed. They made their way back home, but the strange occurrences didn't end there. When they returned, they could still smell the foul odor around their house. It was as if the Sasquatch had followed them home.
Mikey's story is a fascinating account of a close encounter with a Sasquatch. While some may be skeptical, those who believe in the existence of Bigfoot will find Mikey's story to be both intriguing and exciting. If you're interested in learning more about Mikey's experience, be sure to check out the video on Mikey's Hauntings YouTube channel.