Truck Driver's Chilling Bigfoot Encounters in Florida, Alaska, and Colorado; Hear Distinct Whooping in Virginia
Posted Saturday, May 25, 2024
By staff
A new video posted on YouTube by the channel Bigfoot Anon has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Anonymous Cryptid Encounters Vol.13," features various accounts of alleged encounters with Sasquatch, as well as other mysterious creatures.
One particularly intriguing account comes from a truck driver who claims to have seen a bipedal figure with glowing eyes on the side of State Route 471 in Florida. The driver was able to observe the creature from his semi, which was roughly six to seven feet off the ground. He describes the creature as turning to look directly at him before disappearing back into the woods.
Another account in the video comes from a man who claims to have witnessed a Bigfoot family in the San Juan mountains of Western Colorado in 1968. He describes seeing six Sasquatch, including what appeared to be a mother, father, and several children. The witness watched the family for about 20 minutes before they were startled by his horse and disappeared into the woods.
The video also includes an account from a group of campers who claim to have encountered a Sasquatch in the Superior National Forest in Minnesota. The group describes hearing a "whooping" sound coming from the woods, as well as seeing a large bed and pile of scat that they believe belonged to the creature.
Other accounts in the video include sightings of a "Dogman" creature and alleged communication between Sasquatch and other mysterious beings.
The video has sparked excitement and intrigue in the Bigfoot community, with many viewers praising the firsthand accounts and calling for further investigation. If you're interested in learning more about these alleged encounters, be sure to check out the full video on the Bigfoot Anon YouTube channel.