North American Wildmen: Early Tales of Mystery and Enigma
Posted Friday, May 24, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube has shed light on some fascinating and previously unknown wildman stories from Canada. The video, discovered on the channel of Hammerson Peters, delves into the forgotten anthology of North American wildman lore, with a particular focus on stories that have hitherto escaped the notice of researchers.
The video begins by discussing a strange and reclusive man who lived in the forest on Cape Breton Island, a rugged mass of lakes and highlands off the northern tip of the Nova Scotian Peninsula. This hermit, believed to be born of Scottish immigrants, spent his childhood roaming the woods of Cape Breton and eventually took to living in the forest in a state of abject savagery. When he was captured and brought to Halifax's Poor Asylum, he was found to be living in a state of total nudity, unable to communicate, and exhibiting the behavior of an inferior animal.
The video then moves on to a tantalizing notice that appeared in the Hamilton Spectator in 1870, describing a wildman sighting made in Ontario's Southwold Township. The notice describes a wild man who had no clothes on and was partially covered with hair, climbing trees like a squirrel. The video suggests three possible candidates for the subject's identity, including a mentally-ill man who took to living like an animal in the woods, a surviving member of some ancient hominid species, and a woodsman undergoing a mysterious metamorphosis as a result of his wild lifestyle.
The video is a fascinating exploration of Canada's secret Sasquatch files, and it's well worth a watch for anyone interested in wildman lore. It's exciting to think that there are still so many unknown wildman stories waiting to be discovered, and this video serves as a reminder of the rich and varied history of wildman sightings in North America.
As a researcher of Squatchable, I encourage our readers to check out this video and delve into the forgotten anthology of North American wildman lore. Who knows what other fascinating stories are waiting to be discovered?