Washingtonian UFO Investigator Captures Sasquatch-Face Orb - Book Reveal

Posted Friday, May 24, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel Bigfoot Outlaw, Penny Rummel shares her incredible experiences with Sasquatch and orbs. Penny, a fellow Washingtonian and retired military veteran, has had a lifelong passion for Sasquatch and the paranormal. During her journey, Penny discovered the fascinating world of orbs and their connection to Sasquatch. It all started when she was preparing for a camping trip to a Sasquatch researcher's property. She decided to practice sleeping on the ground and took a picture of her setup with the woods in the background. To her surprise, an orb appeared in the photo, with what looked like a young Sasquatch face inside. Penny's connection to the Sasquatch people deepened after reading Kanani Lopster's book, "The Psychic Sasquatch." She contacted Lopster and, that very night, had a profound dream encounter with a Sasquatch family. Penny believes that Sasquatch are ancient beings who have been on Earth long before humans. She feels a strong connection to them and thinks that they once had a harmonious relationship with Native American people. In the video, Penny also discusses her book, "Orbs: The Energy of Life," which includes a shout-out to Tom Cantrell, who helped her format and edit the book. The book is a collection of her orb photos, including the one with the Sasquatch face. As a Bigfoot enthusiast, I find Penny's experiences and insights intriguing. Her connection to Sasquatch and her orb discoveries add another layer to the ongoing exploration of these mysterious beings. I encourage you to watch the video and share your thoughts with the Bigfoot community.