Nephilim Descendants of Sasquatch: Satan's Hidden Army Revealed

Posted Wednesday, May 22, 2024

By staff

A new video on the YouTube channel "Yeshua Said My Name" (YSMN) delves into the topic of the Nephilim and their potential connection to the Sasquatch phenomenon. The video, titled "Nephilim Among Us: Photos, My Testimony and A Reading From Scott Carpenter's Book LIVE CHAT!" presents the channel's host's belief that these beings are Nephilim descendants. The host shares her personal experiences and evidence, including a large stick driven into her yard and an orb that appeared in her neighbor's yard. She also reads excerpts from Scott Carpenter's book, "The Nephilim Among Us," which discusses his research on the Sasquatch and their potential origins. The host suggests that the Sasquatch may be staying hidden due to Satan's efforts to build a hybrid Nephilim army in preparation for Christ's return. She also shares her belief that these beings are not limited to wilderness and mountain regions, but can also be found in more populated areas. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on the topic. The host's beliefs and evidence presented in the video offer an interesting perspective on the Sasquatch phenomenon and its potential connection to the Nephilim. It's good to note that the host's beliefs and evidence are her own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Squatchable. However, as a platform for Bigfoot enthusiasts, witnesses, and researchers, we welcome open discussions and differing perspectives on the topic. Wrapping up, the YSMN video presents a unique take on the Sasquatch phenomenon and its potential origins. The host's personal experiences and evidence, along with excerpts from Scott Carpenter's book, offer an interesting perspective that is worth exploring further. As always, we encourage our readers to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities when it comes to the topic of Bigfoot.