Missing Paratrooper Gil Gilman: Olympic National Park's Vanishing Mystery - Stay Vigilant Hikers

Posted Wednesday, May 22, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video has recently been brought to our attention here at Squatchable, and it delves into the mysterious disappearance of a man named Gilbert "Gil" Gilman. The video, posted by the YouTube channel PNW Bigfoot Search, explores the strange circumstances surrounding Gilman's vanishing act during a hike in the Olympic National Park in 2006. Gilman, a former paratrooper and military interrogator, was an experienced hiker and survivalist. On June 24, 2006, he set out to hike the Staircase Rapid Loop Trail, a 2.1-mile trail that traverses underneath old-growth forest along the North Fork Skokomish River. However, Gilman never returned from his hike, and despite extensive search efforts, no trace of him was ever found. The video's host, Tanner Hoskins, co-founder and Lead Investigator at Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Search, delves into the details of Gilman's disappearance, highlighting the fact that Gilman was an intelligent and capable individual who had undergone extensive wilderness survival training. Hoskins also notes that the Staircase Loop Trail is well-marked and that there is no clear explanation for Gilman's disappearance. One theory that was initially floated was that Gilman had been murdered by the Alaskan serial killer Israel Keys. However, this theory was quickly debunked when it was discovered that Keys was attending a marathon in Port Angeles on the date that Gilman vanished. The video also touches on the larger issue of the high number of missing persons cases in the Olympic National Park and surrounding national forest. Hoskins notes that the rate of disappearances in this area is statistically improbable and that something strange may be happening in the park. I find this video to be both intriguing and thought-provoking. The disappearance of Gilman is a true mystery, and the fact that no trace of him was ever found is both eerie and unsettling. The video serves as a reminder to always be vigilant and aware of our surroundings when we venture out into the wilderness. Who knows what secrets the forest holds? If you're interested in learning more about this case, be sure to check out the full video on the PNW Bigfoot Search YouTube channel. And as always, stay Squatchable, my fellow Bigfoot believers!