New Insight on Enigmatic, Near-Extinct Ape Species - SCP-1000

Posted Sunday, May 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video posted on YouTube, the anonymous channel AnonymousBirostris delves into the mysterious and intriguing SCP-1000, also known as Bigfoot. The video discusses the special containment procedures put in place for this elusive creature and its anomalous properties. SCP-1000 is described as a nocturnal, obnoxious ape belonging to the hominini branch, with adults ranging in size from 5 to 10 feet in height and weighing between 200 to 600 pounds. The creature has fur that comes in various colors, including gray, brown, black, red, and occasionally white. Its intelligence is said to be on par with that of panites, the common chimpanzee. One of the most fascinating aspects of SCP-1000 is its anomalous pseudo-disease, SCP-1000-AF1, which affects every present-day instance of the creature. This disease has a minimum 2% chance of instantly killing any human, chimpanzee, bonobo, or non-immune instance of SCP-1000 that directly or indirectly observes any instance of the creature. The chance of instantaneous death increases by 1% per 20 minutes of viewing. The video also reveals that SCP-1000 evolved alongside Homo sapiens, existing contemporaneously with early humans in large numbers until 10,000 to 15,000 years ago, when an Extinction event eliminated all but 1 to 5% of their population. This event was triggered by SCP-1000 contracting the anomalous pseudo-disease, SCP-1000-AF1. The Foundation has taken measures to contain SCP-1000 and prevent further harm to humans. All media reports related to SCP-1000 are examined for potential verifiability, and all organizations and individuals investigating its existence are kept under surveillance by mobile task force Seta-1,000 and discredited or administered amnestics. Physical signs of SCP-1000's existence must be retrieved and kept in Foundation custody, and all sightings of the creature must be investigated. Despite the potential dangers associated with SCP-1000, the video leaves viewers with a sense of wonder and curiosity about this elusive and mysterious creature. It's a fascinating glimpse into the world of SCPs and the Foundation's efforts to contain and study them. I encourage all of our readers to check out this intriguing video and share their thoughts with us. The more we learn about SCP-1000 and other mysterious creatures like it, the better equipped we are to understand and appreciate the wonders of our world.