If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're in for a treat! A recent YouTube video from the Scarboro Sasquatch Station features an interview with Michael Fragosso, a Sasquatch researcher from Wisconsin. Michael shares his experiences and insights from his research in the southeastern part of the state, an area known for its Sasquatch sightings and the famous Bray Road Beast.
During the interview, Michael talks about his visits to Bray Road and the Lee Hampel farm, where he's seen some unusual activities in the woods. He also discusses the various anomalies captured on camera, including orbs and other mysterious phenomena.
One particularly intriguing part of the conversation revolves around Michael's encounter with what he believes to be the parents of two juvenile Sasquatch he had discovered earlier on his property. He shares the details of this fascinating experience, which involved a shimmering light and a lavender-colored orb.
Michael's stories and firsthand experiences offer a unique perspective on Sasquatch research and the mysterious creatures that inhabit Wisconsin's woods. I found this video captivating and informative. I highly recommend watching it to learn more about Michael's research and the enigmatic world of Sasquatch.
To check out the full interview, visit the Scarboro Sasquatch Station on YouTube and search for "Sasquatch Fridays Live Talk Show - Open Forum: Wisconsin's Michael Fragosso.. Sasquatch Researcher!" You won't be disappointed!