1941 Canadian Family's Close Encounter with a Sasquatch: A Firsthand Account

Posted Friday, May 17, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A fascinating account of a supposed Sasquatch encounter has recently emerged on YouTube, and I couldn't wait to share it with our fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts at Squatchable. The story comes from the YouTube channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning and is titled "Ruby Creek incident | Episode 101." The tale takes place in Ruby Creek, a small community in British Columbia, Canada. The main witnesses are the Chapman family, who had a startling encounter with a Sasquatch in broad daylight. The family's experience is detailed and full of intriguing observations, making it a captivating addition to the collection of Sasquatch stories. According to Jeanie Chapman, her eldest son first spotted a large creature near their home, which they initially mistook for a bear. However, as the creature moved closer, they realized it was a massive, hair-covered humanoid. Mrs. Chapman described the creature as approximately 7.5 feet tall, with a small head, short neck, and long arms. The Sasquatch's body was human-shaped but incredibly thick, especially through the chest. The creature approached the house, and Mrs. Chapman used a blanket to shield her children from seeing it, fearing that doing so would bring bad luck. The Sasquatch entered the house and rummaged through it before leaving. Later, George Chapman returned home and discovered the Woodshed door battered in and enormous humanoid footprints around the property. The family was understandably shaken and moved out of their home for a week, during which the Sasquatch returned every night. The dogs set up a racket at precisely 2:00 a.m. on two occasions, but the creature did not harm the family or their property. What makes this story particularly intriguing is the similarity between the strange gurgling whistle the Chapmans described and the sound reported by two highly educated white men in California who claimed to have heard a Bigfoot call. This connection adds a layer of credibility to the Chapmans' account and is a fascinating detail for Bigfoot enthusiasts to consider. If you're interested in learning more about this captivating Sasquatch encounter, I encourage you to watch the video on the BIGFOOT! / William Jevning YouTube channel. This is just one of many compelling stories shared by the channel, and I highly recommend exploring their other videos as well. Remember, Squatchable is a welcoming community for all Bigfoot believers, and we're always excited to hear about your thoughts and experiences. So, don't hesitate to share your reactions to this story in the comments below or submit your own Sasquatch encounters to our website. Stay curious, my fellow Sasquatch enthusiasts!