New Bigfoot Sightings: Giant Human-Like Creatures Roam Northwest U.S. & Canada

Posted Thursday, May 16, 2024

By staff

A fascinating video has recently caught my attention on YouTube, and I couldn't wait to share it with our fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts at Squatchable. The video, titled "Bigfoot Man or Beast documentary 1972," features Jay Smith, a reporter who delves into the world of Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, in the Northwestern United States and Canada. The video takes us on an exciting journey, exploring various accounts of Bigfoot sightings and encounters. One such story is from 1924, when Fred Beck and four other miners in Washington state had a close encounter with several creatures outside their cabin. The miners described the creatures as having big shoulders, small hips, and covered in black hair that turned brown in the sun. Another intriguing account comes from Albert Osman, a prospector who was carried several miles by a Bigfoot family and left in a small valley. After six days, he managed to escape by making the creatures sick with a box of snuff. As the video progresses, we learn about John Green, a publisher who began investigating Bigfoot sightings in the 1950s. Green shares the story of Mrs. George Chapman, who saw a Sasquatch near her home in British Columbia. Following the investigation, Green and others found enormous tracks, which provided valuable evidence of the creature's existence. Another significant contributor to Bigfoot research is Mrs. Myrtle Walton, who drew a detailed picture of a Sasquatch based on her father's observations. The sketch is one of the earliest and most accurate depictions of the creature, highlighting its massive size and distinct features. Richard Grover, another investigator, shares his experience of a sighting in a residential area just outside Tacoma, Washington. Known as the Five Heights incident, Grover and his friend witnessed a massive creature with its head above a street sign. The creature left indentations on a sign, further supporting its existence. Towards the end of the video, Dr. Charles Boulton, a curator at the Provincial Museum in Victoria, British Columbia, shares his perspective on Bigfoot. Although he initially believed the creature to be a part of folklore, he later changed his mind after examining footprints and other evidence. This captivating video offers a wealth of information and personal accounts, making it a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. I highly encourage everyone to check it out and share their thoughts with our community at Squatchable. Together, we can continue to explore the fascinating world of Bigfoot and uncover new evidence to support their existence.