From Witness:
On the twenty sixth and again on the twenty seventh at approximately 5:00-5:15 am, I was on my way to work. I travel down Mt. Plymouth Sorrento FL. This is an area directly in the Wekiva River basin.
As I started through the s turns I saw another car coming in the opposite direction, as that car passed a large animal stepped out from behind that car, I think he was crossing until he seen my truck, it then pivited, turned and went back into the wooded area. On the next morning on my way to work again I got a better look at it, still in the same series of turns, except this time coming out of the last one, I seen it take one step in part of my lane then on across the road and was gone. I was looking down towards the hood of my truck at this time and can tell you that whatever it was, was very large, its waist area was about 1 foot above my hood of my ford ranger pick up.
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