Joe Rogan Explores Interdimensional Bigfoot Theory and Global UFO Sightings

Posted Monday, May 13, 2024

By staff

Recent videos of 10-foot tall "alien" creatures in Miami, USA and Brazil have taken the internet by storm, leaving alien and UFO hunters trying to make sense of the encounters. These towering beings are described as having a similar height to the elusive Bigfoot or Sasquatch, a creature that has been the subject of fascination for decades. Joe Rogan, host of the popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience, recently shared his thoughts on the existence of Bigfoot during a conversation with guest Jeff Dy. Initially skeptical, Rogan eventually became a believer, suggesting that these creatures may be from another dimension, making them nearly impossible to find physical evidence of. This interdimensional hypothesis could also explain the lack of physical evidence for UFOs and aliens. In January 2024, there were several notable UFO and alien sightings around the world. In Miami, a shadowy alien creature was reported outside a mall, causing a commotion among locals and the city police. In Brazil, two 10-foot tall humanoid creatures were spotted on a hill at an island off the coast of Southeast Brazil. And in Japan, a peculiar UFO-shaped cloud was captured on video, leaving many to wonder if it was a sign of something otherworldly. I encourage our readers to watch these videos and share their thoughts on the possibility of interdimensional beings and the existence of Bigfoot. Let's continue to explore and discover together.