Bigfoot Hunter's Terrifying Encounter on Campbell Island: Insights on Positive Energy and Communication

Posted Friday, May 10, 2024

By staff

A thrilling account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel Ghost Boat Adventures. The video, titled "Sasquatch Screams Abductions Encounters Sacred Medicine Man Jordan D Wilson," features Jordan D Wilson, a Bigfoot hunter and Medicine Man from the HCK First Nation. In the video, Wilson recounts his recent experience while gathering pine pitch and Labrador tea puas, which are used as medicine in his community. He and his guard dog heard strange noises and smelled a wild animal-like odor. As they investigated, they discovered a large 20-inch footprint, which Wilson initially thought belonged to a grizzly bear. However, as he continued to explore, he noticed something unusual. Wilson describes seeing what appeared to be the back of a large, black creature standing behind a stand of trees. He could almost make out hair blowing in the breeze, which he found to be the most frightening thing he had ever seen. Wilson then shared a story about a trapper who claimed to have been abducted by a Sasquatch and was only able to escape after the creature ate his chewing tobacco and became sick. This led Wilson to ponder whether all Sasquatches are good or if some could potentially harm humans. He also mentioned a story told to him by Hobo, a mean-spirited engineer who once picked on him. Hobo claimed to have encountered Sasquatches that chased and attempted to eat people. While the video does not provide definitive proof of a Sasquatch encounter, it is a fascinating account from a respected member of the Bigfoot hunting community. You can watch the full video on the Ghost Boat Adventures YouTube channel and decide for yourself whether Wilson's experience is genuine evidence of the existence of Sasquatch. As Bigfoot believers, we are always excited to hear new accounts and stories from those who have had possible encounters with these elusive creatures. Whether you are a seasoned Sasquatch researcher or a curious newcomer, this video is definitely worth a watch.