Hunter Recounts Chilling Bigfoot Encounters in 1989 and 1995

Posted Friday, May 10, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter in Oregon has been making the rounds on YouTube. The video, posted by the channel Bigfoot Encounters Narrated, features an interview with a man named Shannon Morgan, who recounts his experience from the 1989 elk season. According to Morgan, he was hunting in the woods when he heard a series of wood-on-wood striking sounds. At first, he thought it might be someone chopping wood, but as he continued to hear the sounds, he realized that it was something much more unusual. The sounds were fast and rhythmic, and they seemed to be coming from a distance of 200-300 yards ahead of him. As Morgan approached the source of the sounds, he became more and more uneasy. He eventually stopped and sat down on a log to evaluate the situation. Despite being armed with a 300 Winchester magnum, he decided to retreat and return to camp. Later that day, Morgan heard a low rumbling sound, similar to a vehicle crossing a cattle guard. He initially thought it might be coming from nearby vehicles, but he soon realized that it was something else entirely. The sound continued into the night, and Morgan was left feeling shaken and unsure of what he had heard. It wasn't until several years later, when Morgan read an article about Bigfoot in Oregon, that he began to suspect that he had heard the elusive creature. The article described tree whacking as a communication medium used by Bigfoot, and Morgan was convinced that this was what he had heard in the woods that day. The video also features a second-hand account of a possible Bigfoot sighting from a friend of Morgan's. The friend and his fishing partner heard a loud, otherworldly howl while floating down the Deschutes River. The howl lasted for several seconds and sounded more like a person than an animal. Despite searching the area, they were unable to find any evidence of the creature. I find these accounts to be both intriguing and compelling. While we may never know for certain what Morgan and his friend heard in the woods that day, the possibility of a Bigfoot encounter is always an exciting one. If you're interested in learning more about this story, I encourage you to watch the video and do your own research. Who knows – you might just stumble upon some evidence of your own!