Boy's 1994 Encounter: Bigfoot Sighting in Georgia Woods
Posted Thursday, May 09, 2024
By staff
A thrilling account of a close encounter with a sasquatch has been shared on the YouTube channel, Sasquatch Chronicles. The witness, Brandon, describes his experience when he was just 12 or 13 years old, running away from home and finding himself face to face with a massive, hairy creature.
Brandon was walking through the woods in Georgia when he felt like something was watching him. He looked up and saw a large figure peering around a tree, with both arms wrapped around it. The creature was over seven feet tall and covered in hair. Brandon, feeling trapped, grabbed his BB gun and shot at the sasquatch. After the shot, the creature grunted and hid behind the tree. Brandon stood still, frozen in fear, until he heard his neighbor calling out to him. When he turned around, the sasquatch ran past him, disappearing into the woods.
The sasquatch that Brandon encountered was a dark brown color, with matted hair that looked like it had been rolling in mud. Its eyes were almost solid black, with just a hint of white around the edges. The creature's smell was overwhelming, and it was the first thing that caught Brandon's attention.
Brandon's story is a chilling reminder of the power and mystery of sasquatches. These creatures are known for their elusive nature, and encounters like Brandon's are rare but incredibly valuable to those of us who believe in their existence.
If you're interested in learning more about sasquatches and other mysterious creatures, be sure to check out Sasquatch Chronicles on YouTube. You can also become a member of their website to gain access to additional shows and content. And, if you've had an encounter of your own, consider reaching out to them to share your story.
In the meantime, let's all keep an eye out for sasquatches in the woods and continue to believe in their existence. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have our own close encounter to share.