Tall strange figure captured in two trail cam photos by Jordy Mercer of the Detroit Tigers
Posted Tuesday, November 26, 2019
By Squatchable.com staff
Recently there has been a lot of talk about a pair of photos posted by Jordy Mercer of the Detroit Tigers (MLB) on Twitter that features a tall figure on consecutive days being captured on a trail cam. I held off waiting to see if he would post a "gotcha!" because the figure looks strange but since he hasn't, it's time to take a closer look! If that is standard field fencing behind the creature, that gives us a size reference because that is usually 4 feet high. That means this figure is probable close to 9 feet. We know that Jordy Mercer is 6'3'' so this is probably 3 feet taller than he is. That also means the shoulder of this figure is probably close to Jordy's head, which would make having an uplifted arm like what is in the image difficult. What do you all think? Bigfoot? Really good costume? (Thanks for reminding me to do this Kenny!)