Personal Bigfoot Encounter: A Hunting Memory in Mississippi
Posted Monday, May 06, 2024
By staff
A fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter has been making the rounds on YouTube, and I couldn't help but delve into the details of this intriguing story. The video, posted by The Eaton Clinic Outdoors, features a medical doctor sharing his personal experience with the elusive creature.
The doctor's interest in Bigfoot was sparked after a drug rep showed him an article about a hunter's encounter with the creature in north Alabama. Curious, the doctor began researching Bigfoot sightings in his home state of Alabama and discovered several accounts, some of which were surprisingly close to his own residence. As a native of Mississippi, he decided to investigate potential sightings in his childhood county, L County, and was astonished to find an encounter reported on the Tom Bigby River, the very location where he used to hunt as a teenager.
During his research, the doctor stumbled upon the sounds of Bigfoot and recognized one of the recordings as the same sound he had heard while hunting in Mississippi. The recording, made in Mississippi, was a chilling reminder of his own experience.
The doctor then recounted his personal encounter with Bigfoot, which occurred when he was just 15 years old. After being denied permission to hunt on a piece of land, he sought permission from an elderly man who owned a patch of woods nearby. One day, while hunting alone, the doctor heard footsteps on the other side of a ridge that sounded like a man walking. As it got darker, he could no longer hear the footsteps clearly, but as he was packing up to leave, he could hear something following him.
The doctor tried to walk quietly and shine his flashlight in the direction of the sound, but he couldn't see anything. As he walked faster, the sound continued to follow him, and he could hear it clearly as he reached a logging road. Eventually, his brother and friend joined him, and they all heard the sound together.
As they were leaving the area, the doctor heard a chilling sound that he now believes was the creature's call. The experience has stayed with him for years, and he is convinced that he encountered a Bigfoot that day.
The doctor's account is a fascinating addition to the many stories of Bigfoot encounters. While we cannot confirm the validity of his experience, it is always intriguing to hear firsthand accounts from those who believe they have encountered the elusive creature. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the video on YouTube.