Bigfoot Encounters: Healing, Connection, and Unforgettable Experiences at Camp Jean
Posted Monday, May 06, 2024
By staff
If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're going to love this video I recently came across on YouTube. The video, posted by the channel TeamSquatchinUSA, features testimonials from participants of the Georgia Camp Xanue Weekend Event that took place on April 15, 2024.
The event seemed to be an incredible experience for all those who attended. Sharon from Virginia shared her excitement about the fellowship and knowledge she gained during her stay. Meanwhile, Roberta from Virginia couldn't believe how much activity she heard about and was sad to leave.
Mark from Florida had a particularly thrilling experience when he witnessed two different people with orbs on their shoulders and saw an arm reaching up from a young one. He also heard wood knocks a couple of nights ago. Renee from Georgia, the Georgia Peach, had amazing experiences, including hearing one breathing clearly next to her at the woodpile.
Barb from North Georgia Mountains had a fascinating encounter with the Council of 12, which was present every night except for one. She also felt energy in her thumb when holding hands with a young person at the woodpile. Jeff from Georgia, a native of the state, had a wonderful first-time experience and even asked for healing for his feet, which felt great the next morning.
Deborah from South Carolina, who lives in Georgia, was thrilled to capture some great images on her phone and felt her hands shaking with excitement when she went down to the woodpile. Lastly, Linda from Southern California shared her experience of seeing a tree structure that looked like a cross appear before her eyes.
Overall, the video showcases the excitement and joy that comes with being a Bigfoot believer and the incredible experiences that can come from events like the Georgia Camp Xanue Weekend Event. I highly recommend checking out the video for yourself and experiencing the testimonials firsthand.