Theodore Roosevelt: Bigfoot Encounter in 'The Wilderness Hunter'
Posted Friday, May 03, 2024
By staff
A fascinating account of a possible encounter with an unknown bipedal primate has been making the rounds among Bigfoot enthusiasts. The story comes from none other than Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, and can be found in his 1893 book, "The Wilderness Hunter."
Roosevelt, an experienced outdoorsman and hunter, recounts a tale told to him by a grizzled mountain hunter named Bauman. Bauman, who had spent his entire life on the frontier, shared a chilling story of an encounter with a mysterious creature while trapping in the mountains dividing the forks of the Salmon from the head of the Wisdom River.
According to Bauman, he and his partner had set up camp in a small glade near a stream. During their absence, they discovered that a bear had rummaged through their belongings, leaving behind distinct footprints. However, as Bauman's partner examined the tracks more closely, he noticed something peculiar - the footprints seemed to be made by a pair of paws or feet, rather than a bear's.
Later that night, Bauman was awakened by a strong wild beast odor and caught a glimpse of a massive body in the darkness. He fired his rifle at the shadowy figure, but it quickly disappeared into the forest. The following day, the two men discovered that their camp had been torn apart once again, with the mysterious intruder leaving distinct footprints in the soft earth by the brook.
Despite the eerie events, the trappers decided to stay in the valley for one more night, keeping a roaring fire going throughout the night and taking turns on guard duty. However, as midnight approached, they heard branches crackling and a harsh, grating, long-drawn moan coming from the hillside opposite their camp.
The following morning, the two trappers decided to leave the valley, gathering their traps and heading back towards civilization. Bauman's encounter with the mysterious creature left a lasting impression on him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that they had encountered something otherworldly.
This intriguing story has sparked the interest of many Bigfoot enthusiasts, who believe that Bauman's account is a firsthand encounter with an unknown bipedal primate. While we may never know for sure what Bauman and his partner encountered that night, the story serves as a fascinating reminder of the mysteries that still exist in the great outdoors.
If you're interested in learning more about this captivating tale, be sure to check out the full video on YouTube. And as always, keep an eye out for any signs of the elusive Sasquatch on your own outdoor adventures.