Oregon Woman's Lifetime of Bigfoot Encounters and Family's Chilling Experience
Posted Thursday, May 02, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A firsthand account of possible Bigfoot activity in Oregon has surfaced on the YouTube channel Sasquatch Theory. The witness, Sharon from Morgan, shares her experiences of strange occurrences that she and her family have had in the area.
Sharon and her husband moved to a farmhouse in Mount Scott, Oregon in the early 90s. On their first night, they heard what they believed to be coyotes, but the sounds were much louder and more intense than anything they had heard before. The next night, the sounds returned, and on the third night, Sharon heard a woman screaming in the woods. She describes the sound as “10 times louder” than anything she could do herself, and it radiated down from the five acres behind their house.
The following day, Sharon took her three-year-old son, Brian, for a walk in the woods to investigate. They came across a teepee made of three broken-off sticks, about 8-9 feet tall and 3 inches round. Nearby, they found a pillowcase and blanket that had been shredded and covered in feathers. Sharon initially thought that witchcraft might be taking place in the woods, but after speaking to a neighbor, she learned that others had heard the same screams.
Years later, Sharon and her family moved to olala Washington, where they had another 5-acre farm. On Halloween night in 2001, they heard people talking or chanting in the woods, accompanied by drum knocks. As soon as Sharon mentioned the possibility of witchcraft, they heard the woman’s scream again. Sharon drove up the road to investigate, but no one seemed to know what was happening.
Sharon’s son, Brian, is now a mountain climber and took a woman on a two-day hike to Lake Elgen in Washington. While there, they found an arrow carved into a rock, which Brian had never seen before.
The experiences that Sharon and her family have had are certainly intriguing, and it’s possible that they may have encountered Bigfoot in the woods. The screams that Sharon heard are consistent with those that other witnesses have described, and the teepee and shredded blanket suggest that something unusual was taking place in the woods.
If you’re interested in learning more about Sharon’s experiences, be sure to check out the video on Sasquatch Theory’s YouTube channel. And, as always, if you have a Bigfoot encounter that you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Sasquatch Theory.