Mapinguari: The Giant Sloth of the Western Amazon?

Posted Wednesday, May 01, 2024

By staff

A new video posted on the YouTube channel Backwoods Horror Stories has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. The video, titled "Bigfoot Of The Amazon?", features interviews with locals from the western Amazon who claim to have encountered a creature known as the mapinguari. The mapinguari is described as a human-like creature with thick matted red or black fur, a hard exoskeleton, and a strong, nauseating smell. It is said to be aggressive and to hunt down those who transgress the jungle's unwritten rules. Some believe that the mapinguari is a surviving description of a giant ground sloth, believed to be extinct for 8,000 years. Harvard and Yale trained biologist and ornithologist, David Oren, is one of the scientists who believes that the mapinguari is not just a legend, but a living species of giant ground sloth. He has taken video footage of clawed trees, recorded what he believes are the creature's thunderous roars, and made molds of large round footprints with backward-facing claws. He has also collected hair and feces samples for DNA analysis. The video also features an interview with Glenn Sheer Jr, an American ethnobiologist in the central Amazon, who considered the mapinguari a rural legend until he began researching among the Maigana people of the Far Western Amazon in Peru. Tribal members he questioned all mentioned a fearful sloth-like creature that inhabited a hilly forested area in their territory. I am excited to see the scientific community taking the mapinguari seriously and organizing expeditions to find it. The video is a must-watch for anyone interested in the Bigfoot phenomenon and the mysteries of the Amazon rainforest. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us.