Choir Witnesses Mysterious Figures; Navy SEALs, Hunters Encounter Enigmatic Creatures

Posted Wednesday, May 01, 2024

By staff

A video posted on the YouTube channel Old Hillbilly Horror has been making the rounds among the Squatchable community, and it's easy to see why. The video, titled "14 TRUE Terrifying Cryptids & Folklore Horror Stories (Dogman, Sasquatch, Wendigo, Deep Woods, Creepy)," features a series of first-hand accounts of encounters with mysterious creatures, including several that are of particular interest to us here at Squatchable. One of the most intriguing stories comes from a member of a choir who had a strange experience while attending a meeting at a church in rural England. According to the witness, a stark white face appeared at the chancel window, approximately 6-7 feet from the ground. The women in the group saw an elderly woman with a scarf or wimple wrapped around her head, while the men saw a young man with a beard and mid-length hair, like Jesus. The witness plans to return to the church to see if there is a step or ledge that the figure could have been standing on, but admits that the whole experience seems improbable and eerie. Another story that caught my attention was from a witness who encountered a strange creature while deer hunting with her father in Ohio. The witness describes feeling an overwhelmingly tingling sensation, as if someone or something was watching her. She then heard crashing coming towards her and saw a few deer running for their lives. As she looked around, she saw a figure that appeared to be her father walking towards her. However, as the figure got closer, she realized it was not her father. The creature was tall enough to reach up and grab her foot with ease. The witness was overwhelmed with fear and ran to her father, who fortunately was safe in his own tree stand. These stories, along with several others, are sure to leave you on the edge of your seat. The video is a fascinating collection of first-hand accounts of encounters with mysterious creatures, some of which are well-known to the Squatchable community, while others are more obscure. Whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot researcher or just a casual enthusiast, this video is definitely worth a watch. I encourage our readers to check out the video and share their thoughts with us. Who knows, your own encounter with a mysterious creature may be the next one featured on our website!