Woman's Encounter: Mysterious Figure and Strange Sounds Near Home
Posted Sunday, April 28, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Pj Arkansas Sasquatch - Giants of the Woods has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, the witness shares a story of an encounter they had while driving down a road near their home.
As they were driving, they noticed something large and black in a power line cut that divided two properties. They couldn't make out what it was, but they knew it wasn't an animal standing on its hind legs. A few days later, they returned to the spot with their partner to investigate.
While they were waiting for their partner to return from exploring the woods, they noticed something light brown moving through the trees. They thought it might be their partner, but soon realized it wasn't when the figure never stepped out into the clear.
After their partner returned, they continued to hear strange noises and noticed something hitting their propane tank behind their house. They couldn't see what was making the noise, but it didn't sound like a bird's beak.
The witness also shared a story of seeing something large and black in a field near their home during a storm. They initially thought it might be the shadow of a tree, but their partner later confirmed that a bull had escaped from a nearby property and was in the field.
While the video doesn't provide any concrete evidence of a Bigfoot sighting, it's always interesting to hear the stories of those who believe they've had an encounter. The witness in this video shows a lot of bravery and curiosity in their investigation, and their experiences serve as a reminder of the mystery and intrigue that surrounds the topic of Bigfoot.
If you're interested in checking out the video for yourself, you can find it on the Pj Arkansas Sasquatch - Giants of the Woods YouTube channel. And as always, if you have a Bigfoot sighting or encounter to share, we encourage you to submit it to our website.