Washington Family's Encounter with a Mysterious 'Cowman' Creature in Copalis Beach
Posted Friday, April 26, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A thrilling account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has been making the rounds on YouTube, and I couldn't help but share it with our community. The story comes from a man named John, who worked as a foreman for a large roofing product mill in Aberdeen, Washington, in the 1960s.
John and his family lived near Copalis Beach, an area known for its old-growth cedar and dense forests. According to John, one of his sons spotted a "Cowman" near their home – a creature described as a large, furry being with a foul odor, similar to wet dogs and garbage. John's wife also reported a strange smell and the sensation of being watched while her son described the Cowman stuck on a fence.
Intrigued and concerned for his family's safety, John decided to investigate. He and his older son discovered a clump of long, reddish-brown hair tangled in the fence, which John cut off with his buck knife. They followed the scent deeper into the woods, where they heard heavy footsteps and eventually encountered a massive, bulky figure standing over 7 feet tall.
John described the creature as having deep red eyes, a human-like hand, and making no sound as it moved through the underbrush. In a panic, he fired several shots at the ground to scare it away, allowing his son to escape. The Sasquatch then charged towards John's son, who was fortunately able to avoid being caught.
This captivating story has certainly piqued the interest of Squatchable's team and our readers. If you're as intrigued as we are, be sure to watch the full video on YouTube and share your thoughts with us. Remember, every piece of evidence and testimony brings us one step closer to understanding the enigmatic Sasquatch. Happy squatching!