Journey to Other Realms: Preparing for a Future War with Colin

Posted Thursday, April 25, 2024

By staff

A new and intriguing account of otherworldly experiences has recently emerged on The Confessionals YouTube channel. The channel, known for its exploration of the paranormal and supernatural, released a members-only preview of an episode featuring a guest named Colin. Colin shares his incredible story of being taken to other realms and undergoing operations by what he describes as Angelic Nephilim entities. According to Colin, these experiences began in January 2023. At the time, he was working two jobs, one as a grave digger and the other at a comedy club in Indianapolis. Struggling with his sobriety and overall well-being, Colin decided to try psilocybin therapy. It was during one of these sessions that he first heard a voice from behind his head, urging him to quit his job and give himself to God. Following this unsettling experience, Colin decided to quit his job at the comedy club and focus on his grave digging position. However, his supernatural encounters didn't end there. While meditating under the influence of psilocybin, Colin found himself in a different place, accompanied by a blue entity. He later learned that these experiences were connected to an impending war and that he was being prepared for an upcoming battle. Although the specifics of Colin's story may seem far-fetched, it is not uncommon for individuals to report similar experiences. The Confessionals podcast has featured several guests with stories that echo Colin's, suggesting that there may be some truth to these accounts. If you're interested in learning more about Colin's story and the otherworldly realms he has visited, be sure to check out the full episode on The Confessionals YouTube channel. Additionally, Colin's experiences will be further explored in the new documentary, "Sasquatch and the Missing Man," which will premiere live on May 5th, 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to delve deeper into the mysterious world of the paranormal and supernatural.